Dive into convenience and sustainability with Volker's Aquarium's Repashy Foods Exchange Program! Our pre-made trays of 160 cubes make feeding your fish a breeze, and when you're done, simply return the empty tray to our store for a hassle-free exchange. By participating, you're not only saving time and effort but also promoting environmental responsibility by reducing waste.


    This fresh AND saltwater formula is labeled for “aufwuchs” eaters. Aufwuchs is a combination of green algae, diatoms, and small plants, along with tiny organisms such as insect larvae, crustaceans, rotifers, protozoans, and snails that live with them on the surface of hard substrates such as rocks.

    AVAILABLE IN 3oz, 6oz, AND 12 oz


    It is a great choice for a tank with a wide variety of species. It features whole krill meal as the primary ingredient, which is one of the most widely accepted feed ingredients available anywhere. Everybody loves krill, which also contains high levels of chitin that are beneficial for fin development. Community Plus has moderate protein levels to reduce water fouling and satisfy the needs of a wide variety of species.

    AVAILABLE IN 3oz, 6oz AND 12oz


    Meal Replacement Gel for Invertivores of all kinds. All Proteins and Fats come from Invertebrates. Contains No Fish Meal.

    AVAILABLE IN 3oz, 6oz AND 12oz


    This formula is specifically designed for freshwater green algae grazing species of fish and invertebrates. It contains moderate levels of protein and the first two ingredients are Chlorella and Spirulina Algae. This formula contains no animal based ingredients and is Vegan. This makes it quite different from our “Soilent Green” formula which also contains high levels of green algae, but contains whole fish, squid, and krill ingredients.

    AVAILABLE IN 3oz, 6oz AND 12oz


    This Xylivore Gel Premix Fish Food is Our Super Firm, Long Lasting Formula for Fish that like to Suck Hard Wood.

    AVAILABLE IN 3oz. 6oz. AND 12oz


    This Fish Food formula is designed for Broodstock conditioning and the initial raising of fry. It contains high levels of fat (>14%) and Protein >45%, which gives fish that extra source of energy and nutrients they need to build the reserves required for spawing and fast growth. It is also quite suitable as a “recovery formula” for the acclamation of freshly imported fish that have become malnourished due to the stress of capture and lack of food during holding and transportation. It is designed to be used for conditioning only in most species of omnivores and piscivores . It is not recommended for strict Herbivores. Carnivorous species that specialize in eating insect larvae, eggs, and other high fat food sources, may find this a good staple diet.

    AVAILABLE IN 3oz, 6oz AND 12oz


    Insect Based (75%) Meal Replacement Gel for Insectivorous Species of Tropical Fish. Great for Livebearers, Gouramis, Catfish and even Amphibians. Insects are raised in the USA on high-quality ingredients!

    AVAILABLE IN 3oz, 6oz, AND 12oz


    Contains a “broad spectrum” of Carotenoids from whole ingredients (no synthetics). Including, but not limited to: Astaxanthin, Capsanthin, Capsorubin, Apsorubin, Beta-Carotene, Alpha Carotene, Beta Cryptoxanthin, Zeaxanthin, Neoaxanthin, Cucurbitaxanthin, Violaxanthin, Lutein, Echineone, Canthaxanthin and Lycopene.

    AVAILABLE IN 3oz, 6oz AND 12oz


    High-quality proteins and fats from three major invertebrate groups complement this diet: Black Soldier Fly meal (stand-in for insect), Krill (stand-in for freshwater shrimp, which are very common in the tropics but Krill is higher in eicosapentaenoic acid [EPA], and docosahexaenoic acid [DHA]), and Squid (stand-in for mollusks [snails, slugs, and freshwater mussels]). All these animals are widespread in freshwater swamp forests and the most important protein and fat sources for adult fish to spawn, for juveniles to grow, and for adolescents to fatten up for their long migrations back to their spawning grounds further upstream.

    AVAILABLE IN 3oz, 6oz AND 12oz